Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus


Aesthetica Universalis is a Russian scientific journal with an international audience. Therefore, the manuscript is submitted in Russian or English with translation of part of the apparatus into the second language.

Your text must be organized in the following order:

1. You must put your name and your affiliation before your text in the language of the main part of your publication, and e-mail.
2. Then you put the title in the same language.
3. Then the annotation in the same language follows, it must consist of 200—300 words.
4. Then you put the key words (7—10 ones) in the same language.
5. Then references in the language of the main text are going. Our journal supports Harvard style of references.
6. Then you put annotation in the language of translation (200—300 words). Than you put the key words in the language of translation.

Your file must be saved in Rich Text Format (rtf), font Book Antiqua, 12 for main the main part of the article (the name, the title, the body of the text) and Book Antiqua, 10 for the apparatus (annotations, key words, references). Please, make margins and paragraphs.