Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus
Peer review

Peer review

The journal offers double-blind reviewing of all incoming manuscripts. This procedure implies that the author and the reviewer do not personally identify each other, communication between them is carried out in the depersonalized manner and through the mediation of the editorial staff. Reviewers are also not informed of the evaluation of the same manuscript.

The reviewers of the manuscripts are Russian and foreign specialists, both from the members of the editorial team and not belonging to it, but known to the editors for their publications in relevant aspects of aesthetic knowledge, considered in the sent texts. The review results in a formalized questionnaire of ten positions with a detailed reasoned conclusion about the advisability of publication, impossibility of its or the desirability of placing the material in the journal, provided that it is finalized on certain items. For mutually exclusive recommendations of two reviewers, a third reviewer is appointed by the editorial board on the same grounds as the first two. The decision to publish or reject is based on the quantitative superiority of positive or negative recommendations.

The author is informed only of the resulting integral decision of the editorial board on the basis of the review procedure described above. The questionnaires are confidential working material of the editorial board and are kept indefinitely in its databases.

The deadline for the editorial office to provide the author with a final response on the publication position of the publication of the manuscript sent by the author shall not exceed one month from the date of its written confirmation to the editorial office. The editorial board communicates exclusively electronically with the author in writing through the e-mail addresses stated on this website and in the issues of the journal.