Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus
Ivan Davydov

Ivan Davydov

Ivan Davydov

Academic rank: Associate Professor

Degree: Doctor of philosophical sciences

Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2512-0127

Scopus ID: 57225032607

ResearcherID: AAP-3005-2020

Born in 1973.

In 1995 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 1998 - full-time postgraduate studies of the same faculty. In 2002, he completed his second higher education at the Faculty of Law of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, in 2003 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic: "Orthodox Akathist to Russian Saints (religious studies analysis)". In 2012, he prepared a doctoral dissertation on the topic: "Semantics of religious mythical (based on the material of Orthodox hymnography, iconography and architecture)".

Since 1997 - Assistant, and since 2005 - Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Teaching experience at Moscow University (first at the Faculty of Sociology, then at the Faculty of Philosophy) - 17 years.

Research interests: methodology and epistemology of religious studies, sociology of religion, semiotics of religious mythological, iconology, hierotopics (semiotics of sacred spaces), comparative studies of religious law.

I.P. Davydov is the author of the monograph "Orthodox Akathist to Russian Saints (religious studies analysis)(link is external)" (Blagoveshchensk, 2004), co-author and editor of the collective monograph Appolonov A.V., Vinokurov V.V., Davydov I.P., Osipova O.V., Fadeev I.A. MAGNUM IGNOTUM: Alchemy. Iconology. Scholasticism. (Under the general ed. and with a preface by I.P. Davydov. - M.: CD "Librocom", 2012. - 224 p.), as well as more than 200 scientific and encyclopedic articles published in the leading specialized journals "Religious Studies", "Bulletin of MSU", "Bulletin of PSU" and encyclopedic publications "Dictionary of Philosophical Terms" (Moscow, 2004), "Religious Studies" (Moscow, 2006), "Encyclopedia of Religions" (M., 2008).

Davydov I.P. conducts classes on the history and theory of religion at the Philosophical and Geological faculties of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Faculty of VMIK, Journalism and others. He has developed three programs of the new UMK standard for special courses:

  • "Theoretical Mythology and Ritualism",

  • "History and Theory of Religious Art",

  • "Introduction to Hierotopics and Iconology"

Co-author of textbooks with the UMO stamp, "History of Religion (in 2 volumes, 2002, 2004, 2007) and "Religious Studies: a textbook for bachelors" (Moscow, 2012).

He is the supervisor of several students and postgraduates, four of whom - D.S. Kryukov, R.O. Safronov, M.V. Babkova, S.V. Dmitriev successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Philosophical Sciences.

I.P. Davydov has been a member of the editorial board of the journal "Religious Studies" since 2001, leading the column "Religion and Law"; since 2012 - a freelance reviewer of the journal "Vestnik PSTGU" and a member of the editorial board of the journal "State, Religion, Church in Russia and abroad". Moderator of the religious studies website TERRA RELIGIOSA (link is external)"