Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus
Alexander Lavrentiev

Alexander Lavrentiev

Alexander Lavrentiev

Academic rank: Professor

Degree: Doctor of art theory

Affiliation: All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics; Stroganov School Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after Rodchenko


Alexander Lavrentiev was born in 1954. Grandson of Alexander Rodchenko and Varvara Stepanova. In 1976 he graduated from the Moscow Higher School of Art and Industry (formerly Stroganov). He is engaged in the history of design and photography. He worked at the All-Union Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE).

Since 1994, he has been teaching at the Stroganov Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry; Vice-Rector for Scientific Work. Teacher of the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after Rodchenko (course "Photo composition"). 

Practicing graphic designer, curator of photographic exhibitions. Curator of the photo sections of the exhibitions "Paris-Moscow" and "Moscow-Berlin".

Contributes to the preservation and popularization of the creative heritage of A.M. Rodchenko. In 2021, he took an active part in the reconstruction of the "Workers' Club", which was created in 1925 in the interior of the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris and subsequently lost.

Participation in creative and public organizations

  • Member of the Moscow Union of Artists (Association of Critics)

  • Member of the Union of Designers of Russia

  • Member of the Union of Photo Artists of Russia

Awards and prizes

  • Silver Medal of the USSR Academy of Arts (1978)

  • Diploma of the Academy of Graphic Design at the All-Russian exhibition-competition "Design'98" (1998)

  • Diploma of the third degree of the All-Russian competition "The Art of Books" (2003)

  • Award of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education (2010)



  • Lavrentiev A. N. Alexander Rodchenko. Photos. — Moscow: Planeta, 1987. — 192 p. — 10,000 copies.

  • Artist, thing, fashion: An Anthology / Comp. Maria Bodrova, Alexander Lavrentiev. — M.: Soviet Artist, 1988. — 368 p. — (Art Gallery). — 25,000 copies . — ISBN 5-269-00011-3.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Rodchenko's Angles. — M.: Iskusstvo, 1992. — 224 p. - 25,000 copies. — ISBN 5-210-02528-4.

  • Lawrentyew A., Nasarow Y. Russisches Design. 1920—1990. — Berlin, 1995.

  • Lawrentyew A. Rodtchenko, Photographies 1924—1954. — Grund, 1995. — 344 p. — ISBN 2-7000-2322-6.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Laboratory of Constructivism. — 2000.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Laboratory of the book. — 2003.

  • Lawrentyew A. Soviet Photography of the 1920s and 1930s. — 2004.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Illustrated textbook on design. — Tyumen: Institute of Design, 2005.

  • Lavrentiev Alexander, Golubeva Olga. Stroganov School of Composition. — Moscow: Stroganov Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2005. - 352 p. — 2500 copies. — ISBN 5-87627-035-0.

  • Russian Russian Avant—Garde Foundation, 2007. — 128 p. — Lavrentiev A. N. Alexander Rodchenko. - M.: The Russian Avant-Garde Foundation, 2007. - (Creators of the Russian Classical Artistic avant-garde). — ISBN 978-5-9647-0125-5.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. History of design: Textbook. — M.: Gardariki, 2008. — 320 p. — (Disciplinae). — 3000 copies . — ISBN 978-5-8297-0262-5.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Varvara Stepanova. — M.: Russian Avant-Garde Foundation, 2009. - 252 p. — (Creators of the avant-garde). — ISBN 978-5-91566-007-5.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Experiment in design: Sources of design ideas. — M.: University Book, 2010. - 244 p. — (Practical design). — 1000 copies . — ISBN 978-5-9792-0023-1.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Alexey Gan. — M.: E. Gordeev, 2010. — 192 p. — (Creators of the avant-garde). — 150 copies . — ISBN 978-5-91566-032-7.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. USSR at the construction site / Comp. Vladimir Gonikberg, Arseniy Meshcheryakov. — Moscow: Agey Tomesh, 2011. — 376 p. — 2000 copies. — ISBN 978-5-91002-031-7.


  • Lavrentiev A. N. Parody and humor in Stepanova's works // "Amazons of the avant—garde" / Executive Editor G. F. Kovalenko; State Institute of Art Studies of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. — M.: Nauka, 2004. - pp. 216-225. — ISBN 5-02-010251-2.

  • Lavrentiev A. N. Alpert Max Vladimirovich // Encyclopedia of the Russian avant-garde: Fine Art. Architecture / Authors-compilers V. I. Rakitin, A. D. Sarabyanov; Scientific editor A. D. Sarabyanov. — M.: RA, Global Expert & Service Team, 2013. — Vol. I: Biographies. A—K. — pp. 15-16. — ISBN 978-5-902801-10-8.

  • Lukanova Alla, Lavrentiev Alexander. Visiting Rodchenko and Stepanova // Russian Art. — 2014. — No. 4. — PP. 94-103. — ISSN 1729-9063.