Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus
Jastrumskytė, S.

Jastrumskytė, S.

Degree: PhD

Affiliation: Lithuanian Culture Research Institute

PhD., researcher, painter, graphic artist, photographer, art critic and poet. She was born in 1975, in Skaudvilė near Tauragė. In Vilnius Academy of Arts in 2011, she defended the doctoral theses «Synaesthesia phenomenon conceptual transformations in 19th−early 20th century. Western art theory and practice. Critical analysis [art studies, philosophy of art]». Flemish Ministry of Education and Science funded scientific research internship at the Institute of Electronic Music and Psychoacoustics (IPEMA) Ghent University, Belgium in 2006−2007. From 2002 until 2011 Salomėja was a lecturer in Telšiai department of Vilnius Academy of Arts and from 2004 to 2006 a lecturer in the Department of Humanities in Šiauliai University. In 2005 she started working in the Culture, Philosophy and Art Institute (Lithuanian Culture Research Institute) and continued as a scientific researcher since 2014. Salomėja is an author of more than 40 academic publications, presented 34 personal art exhibitions in Lithuania, USA, Germany, Finland, Belgium, Latvia, Estonia and other countries, participated in more than 60 group art exhibitions in Lithuania, USA, Finland, Latvia, Estonia and other countries. Jastrumskytė is a member of Lithuanian Artistsʼ Association (LAA). Research areas: synaesthesia, aesthetics and philosophy of art, Lithuanian culture and art, cultural studies, comparative studies of culture and art, visual culture.