Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus

Sers Ph.

Affiliation: Catholic University of Paris; School of Architecture Paris-La Villette

French philosopher, historian and art theorist, lecturer in aesthetics and art history at the (Institute of Religious Art of the Catholic University of Paris and the School of Architecture of Paris-La Villette). The main scientific specialization is the problems of the psychology of artistic creativity, the inner inspiration of the artist, the individuality of creative experience. In line with these interests , Professor F. For a long time, Sers has been dealing in detail with the problems of creativity and scientific activity, as well as epistemological aspects of V.V. Kandinsky's creativity. Publications in Russian include:

  • Sers, F. On the threshold of the beyond / Per. S. Dubina. M.: Progress-Tradition, 2001;
  • Sers, F. Total art and its Messianic content / Per. A. Kuznetsova // Khreshchatyk. №4. 2016;
  • Sers, F. The problem of composition in the art of the avant-garde Per. with N. Smolyanskaya // The search for a new language in philosophy.

Winner of the Grand National Prize for Publishing.

Main publications: "Kandinsky: Philosophy of Abstraction, Metaphysical Image" (1995), "Dialogue with the Work: Art and Criticism" (1995), "O Dada: An Essay on the Dadaist Experience of the Image" (1997), "Icons and Holy Images: Representation of Transcendence" (2002), "Avant-garde: Between Metaphysics and history" (book of conversations with J. Kono, 2002), "Inner Echo: a Dialogue about Artistic and spiritual experience in China and the West" (together with I. Eskand, 2003), "Alexander Rodchenko and the October Group" (2006), "The Avant-Garde Revolution" (2012), "The Riddle of Marcel Duchamp" (2014).