Theoretical quarterly being published by Faculty of Philosophy at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Published since 2018

ISSN 0130-0083
En| Rus
Giovanni Vinciguerra

Giovanni Vinciguerra

Affiliation: Free University of Berlin, Germany

Giovanni Vinciguerra was born in 1997 in Paris. Graduate of the Moscow Art Theater Studio School (Faculty of "Scenography and Theater Technology"), set designer, stage designer of theatrical performances reconstructing V.V. Kandinsky's synesthetic practices, researcher of his theoretical and artistic heritage. Currently, he is a student of the classical Department of the Philological Faculty of the Free University of Berlin. He designed the set design in the performances of the youth troupe of the Paris Conservatoire of the XX Arrondissement ("Monsters", directed by Marion Deplanc and "The High Road", directed by Vincent Faras), as well as "Herman and Marta" (VGIK, Igor Yasulovich's workshop, directed by Tatiana Tarasova). Participated in youth exhibitions: KLIN, "Your Chance" (Moscow), Ars Arrakoski (Finland). As part of the project to restore the Kandinsky play "Pictures from the Exhibition", he won a grant for research work in Germany to study the work of V.V. Kandinsky in 2016, made reports in 2016: at the XXVII Alpatov readings dedicated to the legacy of Kandinsky (RAX), and at the international conference "Vasily Kandinsky: synthesis of arts, synthesis of cultures" (Moscow State University, RSUH, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts). The project was crowned with the screening of the play "Planet Kandinsky" within the framework of the international conference "Kandinsky and Performance Theater" in November 2017 on the educational stage of the Moscow Art Theater Studio School. Currently, he is involved in the preparation of a re-screening of the staging of the German reconstruction "Pictures from the Exhibition" in 1983, which will be shown at the opening of the festival in honor of the Bauhaus centenary in Berlin in January 2019.